Thing 1: Oh good. A roost. This seems like the perfect time to write another blog post.
Thing 2: Blog post? Wait, we write blog posts?
Thing 1: Well, I write them. You sit there and make snide comments.
Thing 2: It’s a tough job but somebody’s got to do it.
*Thing 2 turns all sorts of different colors and starts sprouting scales*
Thing 2: I can see you typing.
Thing 1: Yes, you can see me. But I’m in control.
Thing 2: Why are we posting again.
Thing 1: Because we decided to cast off the shackles of home and head out for a grand adventure in a land of sun and way too many cars.
Thing 2: I see.
Thing 1: I see? Wow, you’re tired tonight. Should we get on with telling everyone where we’re headed?
Thing 2: Yeah. *looks dejected* I’m off my game, man.
Thing 1: That’s okay. Travel can ruffle any featherbrain.
Thing 2: I travel perfectly fine.
Thing 1: Well, that convinces me. Convinces me we’re going to have a grand time at #wotf33.
Thing 2: It’s a good thing no one knows who we are.
Thing 1: Yes, we’ll blend right in. Especially since it’s black tie or even better medieval formal. We both know how to deal with that.
Thing 2: We do. What the heck is medieval formal?
Thing 1: Ah children.
Thing 2: Excuse me. I remember medieval there was no formal . . . there was just scratchy clothes.
Thing 1: *stares blankly at Thing 2*
Thing 2: What?
Thing 1: You have no sense of decorum.
Thing 2: Hey it’s better than you. No sense.
*Thing 2 turns into a worm.*
Thing 2: Hey, worms are cool. Didn’t you see labyrinth?
Thing 1: Shh. Anyway, on that note, be sure to check back this weekend for updates on all that is going on.
Thing 2: Are we done?
Thing 1: I leave you out in the sun to dry.
Thing 2: I’m not a tomato. Unless you’re talking about 1950s slang. Then I’m totally a tomato.
Thing 1: Worms get crispy. *looks menacing*
Thing 2: *snorts* Tries–
*This article has been cut off by the typist.*
To have reviews done by Thing 1 and Thing 2 or for any questions you care to dream up, email