Book Review: Blood Ties
Thing 1: The audience is back again. What do they want? Thing 2: Uhh the book review? Duh. Thing 1: There was another book review? Why didn't you warn me? Thing 2: Because you would have gone on and on and on…
Thing 1: The audience is back again. What do they want? Thing 2: Uhh the book review? Duh. Thing 1: There was another book review? Why didn't you warn me? Thing 2: Because you would have gone on and on and on…
Thing 2: Hey got another book review in. Thing 1: Oh? Which book this time? Thing 2: The Worker Prince by Bryan Thomas Schmidt. That's a really long name. Thing 1: I've seen longer. Thing 2: Well yeah, but. Thing 1: But…
Thing 1: Time for another book review! This week the book is Oshenerth by Alan Dean Foster. Thing 2: Where do all these books keep coming from? Thing 1: Authors chained in dark rooms with only the glow of the monitor. Thing…
Thing 1: Hello visitors! How about a book review on Lincoln's Wizard by Dan Willis? Thing 2: Lincoln had a wizard? I missed this in the history books. Thing 1: You've read history books? Thing 2: Back to the book review. (glowers)…