Thing 2: Hey got another book review in.
Thing 1: Oh? Which book this time?
Thing 2: The Worker Prince by Bryan Thomas Schmidt. That’s a really long name.
Thing 1: I’ve seen longer.
Thing 2: Well yeah, but.
Thing 1: But we should let this circus move along?
Thing 2: Okay. I got nothing.
Thing 1: (mutters) That’s apparent.
The Worker Prince was an intriguing story. The book started like the epic of Moses and moved along quickly into the people ruling over a slave colony. The story brings up the moral and ethical considerations of the ruling class for those under them. As the young prince goes to work on Vertullis, he quickly discovers he was born of the working class. The action moves rapidly into a rebellion and ensuing battle for freedom. The novel was very well written and easy to follow.
-SibScript Reviewer, Nurse and Artist
Thing 1: Oh. Well that explains why the author put the words prince and worker together. Interesting.
Thing 2: Hey, not all princes are sluffers. In fact most of them actually become kings which seems like a lot of work.
Thing 1: It was an interesting juxtaposition of words you don’t commonly see together.
Thing 2: England’s got that Harry… Henry… Harry… whatever his name is, in the military.
Thing 1: (drolling) Huzzah.
Thing 2: Anyway, that’s the review for The Worker Prince. Apparently I made Thing 1 speechless.
Thing 1: More like exhausted. Bye everyone!
To have reviews done by Thing 1 and Thing 2 or for any questions you care to dream up, email