For the occasional fifth Wednesday of the month we are happy to present a variety of blogs on a variety of subjects.
I can hardly believe that Life, the Universe, & Everything 32 will begin in just over two weeks. Almost one year ago exactly we made the announcements for the Æther Illustration Contest and the Sibyl’s Scriptorium publication. This year has flown by…
Happy Halloween everyone! It is that fun time of year when spooks and goblins and whatever other costume a soul devises comes out to play. It is a time when you can practice your role-playing skills openly without getting weird looks from…
We are excited to introduce the Aether Illustration Contest this year. LTUE has included science fiction and fantasy art in various forms (panels, presentations, and even art shows at times!) for as long as I can remember. We were long overdue having…
We will be participating in the LTUE Contest Blogfest on Wednesday, August 14, 2013. We hope you will join us in the theme "What Work?" It will be looking into what about a short story, poem, or illustration worked for you, the…